Do we use energy wisely?

Our approach to energy today and in the future.

The question of the most sensible use of energy is highly topical and not easy to answer. On one hand, we deal with the physical-technical dimension, exploring how we can efficiently supply sufficient (renewable) energy to people in the future. On the other hand, we also develop new models for how we, as people, can collaborate and thus use our personal energy efficiently and effectively.

With the energy of our employees, we were able to achieve this revenue in 2023

Total sales

58,997,000 CHF


Exploring Together 2023: Strong together with

Exploring Together 2023: Strong together with

How and where we invested our energy this year is told through the stories of our projects, our culture, and our employees in this retrospective of the year 2023. What insights can we take from them? And how do we stand in relation to them? To anticipate one thing: leveraging existing synergies paves the way for innovative energy solutions in the future.

Energy is Everywhere

The term energy, in physics, describes, among other things, the ability to do work or release heat. Thus, energy has a universal significance.

In the planning and implementation of facilities for the conversion, storage, distribution, and provision of energy, there is a need for thinking and acting in both the technical and human dimensions.

In our Limeco project, we have consciously experienced these two dimensions and learned how central the interaction between humans and technology is for project success.

The value of energy sources primarily depends on the situation.

As a planning, consulting, and engineering company, this is precisely what we deal with in our everyday project work. Many of our projects involve finding innovative energy solutions for specific situations because not every energy source is suitable for every application. Developing new solutions here means looking at energy sources from entirely new or unfamiliar perspectives.

Together with Energie 360°, we are developing a unique energy supply solution tailored specifically to a certain region - boldly embracing new forms of collaboration and leveraging existing synergies.

In the future, it will become increasingly important to understand the conversion processes energy has undergone.

Fundamentally, attempting to prioritize electricity over heat or vice versa is a futile approach. Instead, we strive to analyze the energy sources available in a region. It is therefore essential to highlight different solutions: When it comes to energy utilization, it's about thinking holistically.

This means we're not only concerned with the conversion of energy but also with how energy sources can be produced and which conversion processes they undergo.

The visualization of energy and its origin are the drivers of our close collaboration with RBB - with teamwork and dedication, sustainable commitment becomes tangible.

How do I use my energy efficiently?

The total energy in a closed system is constant according to the first law of thermodynamics. This applies metaphorically to us humans as well.

This becomes impressively visible with Uwe Vollrath, who needed many years of training and practice to allocate his energy in such a way that he can effortlessly sing and play the drums at the same time.

Energy can be wasted, but it can also be recovered.

Where is energy wasted? And where can it be recovered? We ask these questions not only in the context of our large infrastructure, mobility, and environmental projects but also about ourselves.

We reflect on how we work and function together today and how we can prepare for the new working world of the future. Energy gained through agile and collaborative cooperation can, in turn, be invested more into our projects, thus finding effective solutions for the society of tomorrow.

With the organizers of this year's internal learning journey, we discussed the dismantling of structures - and what that has to do with energy recovery.

Locations Switzerland

TBF + Partner AG
Schwanengasse 12
3011 Bern
TBF + Partner AG
Quai du Seujet 10
1201 Geneva
TBF + Partner AG
Via Besso 42
6900 Lugano
TBF + Partner AG
Beckenhofstrasse 35
8042 Zurich

Locations Germany

TBF + Partner AG
Calwer Strasse 7
71034 Böblingen
TBF + Partner AG
Alsterarkaden 9
20354 Hamburg
TBF + Partner AG
Mauerkircherstrasse 9
81679 Munich

Location in Italy

TBF + Partner S.r.l.
Via Pola 11
20124 Milan