Unleashing Energy with Teamwork and Social Responsibility

Waste-to-Energy Plant Consortium Böblingen RBB

About a grand vision and dedicated individuals who turn words into actions or about the energy unleashed when team spirit and social responsibility converge.


The shared enthusiasm in this project helps us to unite diverse perspectives and leverage synergies.


In this project, we support RBB in creating societal awareness for environmental responsibility.


Through targeted communication, we aim not just to inform but also to facilitate public discussion.

Informing is one aspect: RBB will actively shape the future sustainably with their sewage sludge utilization plant on the premises of the Böblingen waste-to-energy plant. However, communication can achieve even more: raising awareness, leave room for discussions – and inciting change. And one thing is clear: RBB's employees intend to drive change because sewage sludge and waste utilization concern us all.

About the project

Since 2022, together with RBB, we've been planning a pioneering thermal sewage sludge utilization plant. Until now, the focus of this partnership has been both on technical and engineering expertise. Now, we're expanding this focus to a new area: communication. But what does communication mean in this context?

What good is a state-of-the-art facility that conserves resources and significantly contributes to the environment and society if the wider community outside the facility doesn't understand - or perceive – its benefits?

Considering the complexity of the topic, many might feel overwhelmed initially. However, this is precisely where the determination of the people at RBB comes into play. As often seen, it begins with the desire to find a way – and enthusiasm. The people at RBB are passionate about their work. The shared desire of the team to make their knowledge accessible to the wider public provides the ideal basis for a communication strategy. The eagerness to talk about their own passion and enthusiasm paves the way for the right words. It's about making the vision tangible, demonstrating how such a facility can shape the future sustainably.

Let's start from the very beginning: It's natural that not everyone has a background in natural sciences or comprehensive knowledge of complex subjects like chemistry, waste incineration, or natural resources. Moreover, in our hectic daily lives, there's often little time or inclination to delve into such complex matters in our leisure time. Nevertheless, understanding these interconnections is essential to comprehend the workings of a utilization plant and its relevance for a sustainable future.

For me, communication means making enthusiasm palpable.

Victoria Mayer, Creative Consultant

What particularly excites you about this project?

The motivation of the RBB team has captured me since the beginning of the project! It's inspiring to witness how boldly and openly RBB is tackling this new challenge!

What's a significant learning for you so far?

Even though I've been involved in the communication of several major projects, I continue to admire the energy of this team, unafraid to bring complex topics like sewage sludge utilization or waste in general into public discussion. I'm learning both professionally and personally!

The RBB example highlights the importance of professional communication in complex waste and energy projects: the general public often has limited knowledge about such technical subjects. However, there's a growing curiosity and demand to understand these environmentally relevant processes and place them in a societal context. What does this mean specifically? On one hand, it's about identifying target audiences and providing them with meaningful information based on their knowledge, information consumption habits, and preferences. In other words, not every audience is interested in the same content and seeks different levels of information. We probably recognize this from our own experiences.

The selection of suitable communication channels played a crucial role. By deciding where and how to communicate, we ensure that information is conveyed selectively to the relevant target groups without overwhelming or discouraging them. In the case of RBB, it meant that we needed to first understand the relevant topics ourselves and then, through intensive collaboration, distil their essence: Why is the Böblingen waste-to-energy plant relevant to the public? What is waste utilization? What is waste – and why is its thermal utilization not just sensible but valuable? The RBB team brings the knowledge and experience, we provide the communication strategy. A communication plan helps us organize which channels and to what depth information should be provided, aiming for an effective and positive impact. This means enlightening people, keeping them informed, and perhaps even sparking some enthusiasm for future-relevant topics.

Our Milestones

To turn the words of enthusiasm into motivated actions, we sat down with RBB and converted the team's energy into concrete communication. How did we go from the idea to the first product?

June 2023

Where are we?

In an initial workshop, the focus was on feeling RBB: What drives the employees, what makes their work special – what mission does RBB pursue, and what vision does it aim for? From these questions emerged suitable content, formats, and platforms that would be relevant for the project's external communication.

August 2023

What is our story?

After delving deeply with RBB, we subsequently developed what's known as a brand narrative, a general guideline that would henceforth run through all communication measures.

September 2023

What is our approach?

The narrative helped us find the right language, tone, and form for the initially defined themes and content. Using an editorial plan for future social media posts, primarily running on LinkedIn initially, we developed a timeline for communication.

October 2023

We are live!

However, our collaboration with RBB didn't end with the launch on LinkedIn. In perfect harmony with our motto ”Exploring Together”, we continue to evolve workflows, narratives, approvals, and ideas in close collaboration with RBB.


People in the Network

Within the close project network, individuals from the consultancy, strategy, and technical fields at TBF work closely with the RBB team, including Ellen Treder, Dr. Frank Schumacher, Gabriela Kretschmer, among others, to achieve optimal results. Also, on a technical level, many individuals at TBF are involved in the project. It's precisely through this diversity of perspectives on the project that we aim to achieve the depth in communication that makes the difference. Together, weaimtodrivechange.

Locations Switzerland

TBF + Partner AG
Schwanengasse 12
3011 Bern
TBF + Partner AG
Quai du Seujet 10
1201 Geneva
TBF + Partner AG
Via Besso 42
6900 Lugano
TBF + Partner AG
Beckenhofstrasse 35
8042 Zurich

Locations Germany

TBF + Partner AG
Calwer Strasse 7
71034 Böblingen
TBF + Partner AG
Alsterarkaden 9
20354 Hamburg
TBF + Partner AG
Mauerkircherstrasse 9
81679 Munich

Location in Italy

TBF + Partner S.r.l.
Via Pola 11
20124 Milan